Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Supportive Community

nounoften attributive\kə-ˈmyü-nə-tē\
 - a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society; joint ownership or participation

A supportive community is a group of people who will help you through challenging times and celebrate with you in great times. It’s a group of people who have a commitment to you and who are there when you need them.  It’s also a group of people you are committed to when they need you.

Among creative people, there isn’t always a readily available supportive community.  We want to change that here.  This isn’t to say that you’ll hear everything you want here.  You may hear things from your community that don’t make you feel great.  But sometimes we need someone to shake us up to wake us up for only the truth will set us free.  That’s how we know someone really does want what’s best for us.

Your peer group will have a major effect on your forward progress.  The people you choose to listen to can propel you forward or pull you backward.  For some people, their nuclear and extended families serve as their support communities. If you have a family like this, you are truly fortunate.  Not everyone is so blessed. In fact, often well-meaning friends and family members don’t want to lose you when you succeed so they will subconsciously try to erode your confidence in your dream.  The key is to guard your dream at all times.  You must choose who you listen to. Love your family but choose your peers.

When we need support it’s easy to look for “what’s in it for me” but often that’s the wrong approach.  A lot of the times, we get what we need by giving what we need.

Help us build our community by sharing this blog site with your friends who will also benefit from the support they’ll get here.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Doing The “Impossible”

We were told we’d never make it.  We were told Pittsburgh couldn’t support a world-class recording studio.  Well . . . they were WRONG!!  Sure, it’s been extremely challenging at times but it’s also been an incredible ride.  No great story is complete without the tension and release of drama.

Maybe you’ve been told to give up on your dream.  Maybe you’ve been told that the odds are stacked against you.  They were stacked against us too. But we persevered and we overcame.  You can too!!  We are kindred spirits at Audible Images.  We understand the need for, and offer, a supportive environment where you’re respected and encouraged to do the “impossible.”  Remember, it’s only impossible if you give up.  We did it and you can too!  Sure, it may be difficult, but anything of value comes at a price.  Remember, that the “impossible” is the material from which Greatness is made.

We invite you to comment, ask questions and make suggestions on this blog.  We want, most of all, to make this a community where you, the artist, can come to find inspiration in a world that doesn’t often support artists.

Let’s do the “Impossible” together!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Welcome To Our Inspirational Blog!!

Our intention is to help you succeed by making the best possible recordings of your music and by sharing with you helpful articles, advice, tips and more to take your career in the music business to new heights!

Be sure to check back often to learn more and to make your career the best it can be!